Exploring the Third Oldest Bars in New York City

The third oldest bar in New York City is the Ear Inn, located at 326 Spring Street. Built in 1812 by the black veteran of the Revolutionary War, James Brown, the building was first occupied by a tavern in 1817, establishing a tradition that has lasted for centuries.


is considered the oldest continuously operating gay bar in New York City. The building was first constructed in 1826 and initially housed a grocery store.

It became a bar in 1864 and eventually became a popular watering hole for jazz musicians coming from the nearby Nick's jazz club. Around the 1950s, the bar began to attract a gay clientele, but the New York State Alcoholic Beverage Authority ordered bars not to serve alcoholic beverages to untidy people. At the time, homosexuals were considered “messy” and waiters would often kick out known homosexuals. Despite harassment from Julius' management, gay men continued to visit the bar.

The air is full of music and memories of a time when New York City was synonymous with glamor and sophistication and felt like the center of the universe. Also in Gramercy, the Old Town Bar does what it says on the tin, since it is a very old bar with an original interior that includes carved surfaces in abundance, a marble and mahogany bar, lamps and tiled floors, all faithful to a time when most men wore suits and none were of the “track” type. Although the title is often disputed, Fraunces Tavern is considered the oldest bar in New York City. Originally a waterfront tavern in Ireland, the river may have moved as land was reclaimed, but the bar hasn't and is another of those that have been in continuous operation for the longest time in New York.

Although Prohibition was in effect, politicians still needed a place to drink and socialize, so the bar was disguised as a flower shop. The charm of New York attracts as much as the iconic hamburgers that roll around the floor in droves every day and every night. The bar is next to what used to be Tammany Hall, which was New York City's political machine at the time. Not an exclusive cocktail bar or a direct dive bar, White Horse Tavern is somewhere in between between the wide range of bar types.

And for those looking for an authentic New York atmosphere and atmosphere with reliable beverages, the Brooklyn Inn is perfect. The bar opened in 1880 and was originally a longshoremen's bar that served men who worked on the docks bordering the Hudson River. The history books were intended to create a century-old part of Germany on Staten Island, and Killmeyer's most recent owners have done an excellent job honoring the 1859 bar association as such. The bar association was finally opened to women after lawyers from the National Organization for Women, Faith Seidenberg and Karen DeCrow, filed a discrimination lawsuit against the bar association in the District Court and won.

Since opening in 1947, the White Horse Tavern has hosted dozens of the best jazz pianists, playing classic and contemporary pieces while customers drink expensive cocktails. For the little ones and their adults, the bar offers Madeleine tea every Saturday in November and December. Always packed with tourists, it manages to accurately recreate what it was like to have a few beers in “Ye Olde New York”.

Destiny Silva
Destiny Silva

Future teen idol. Certified zombie advocate. Professional internet maven. Freelance coffee trailblazer. Unapologetic web buff. Friendly travel junkie.